Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft

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Mission Statement

The BISp, an agency subordinate to the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community (BMI), is tasked with determining the need for research and with initiating, promoting and coordinating research projects in the field of high-performance sport and then evaluating the project findings. Its specific focus is on top-level sport, including youth development and talent scouting, sports facilities, sports equipment and doping prevention. The BISp also looks at issues around sports development that are relevant to Germany as a whole. All those topics that are related to the entire breadth of sport science are permanently documented and prepared for distribution among target groups using suitable transfer measures. The BISp thus sees itself as an advisor and service provider at the point where sport, science and politics intersect.

Networking at the point where sport, science and politics intersect

The BISp has a unique role to play owing to the networks it has established in the realms of sport, science and politics. First, because it can promote research projects to a degree that individual federal states, for instance, or private-sector institutes would not be in a position to do. Second, because its close networks and cooperation with all the relevant institutions and stakeholders in high-performance sport in Germany within the Scientific Network for High-Performance Sport (WVL) reach all the relevant target groups.

Beyond that, by operating the office of the Potential Analysis Committee (PotAS Committee) the BISp also provides administrative support to the reform of high-performance sport in Germany.

We are knowledge managers

Knowledge gives you a head start

Our goal is to promote insights in sport science and to transfer those insights to our target groups, that is sports practitioners, scientists and policymakers. In doing so we incorporate all those issues that play a key role in high-performance sport, from physical and mental issues to youth development and the development of sports equipment and facilities and from social and economic aspects to anti-doping work. Besides organising our own events, we use publications and databases, for example, to transfer knowledge and rely on a variety of modern digital tools to create networks. Together with our partners in science, high-performance sport and sports policy we play an effective part at all stages of the modern knowledge management process.

We are research funders

Research lays the foundation for proven knowledge

To make it to the top of the podium, high-performing athletes have to pit themselves against the best in the world. Whether they’ll ever win gold very much depends on their commitment and dedication. To achieve their best, our athletes need the best-possible support from research and development. That is why we address scientific subjects that will ensure our athletes are ahead of the international competition. To that end we collaborate closely with all the relevant institutions and stakeholders in high-performance sport in Germany within the Scientific Network for High-Performance Sport (WVL). And we use modern funding formats such as our service research and innovation projects to address the needs of sports associations as best we can, taking the tight scheduling of competitions in high-performance sport into account.

As we apply a holistic approach to promoting athletic performance, research and development projects that look at health and personal development as well as the conditions needed in a more humane high-performance sporting environment are another integral part of our work.

We are thought leaders

Being quicker than the competition

That is why we aim to acquire the know-how we need before we actually need it. The BISp jointly operates an innovation network for high-performance sport in Germany, which enables us to look to the future and try to identify both future research needs and innovative solutions, all based on scientific findings. Our network helps us to identify the needs of sports practice at an early stage and to make the relevant research projects and other activities available to them. That is how we not only stay on track but, ideally, are always one step ahead.

We are advisors

Fact-based advice is founded on sound research and future-proofed ideas

Tapping into Germany’s sporting potential means creating optimum conditions across the whole of the country so as to facilitate and improve modern, humane high-performance sport across all disciplines. That is why we advise both the BMI and other sports policy decision-makers. That way the work of the BISp also helps lay the foundation for many sports-policy decisions.

We provide the same intense advisory services to our university and non-university project takers and leading sports associations on both specialist and administrative matters in relation to our funding portfolio. We use our expertise in a variety of disciplines to provide help when it comes to both project content and finding the right support model.

We are networkers

It takes a team to succeed at top-level sport

Politics, sports associations, industry and science all share one goal: to give our athletes the optimum amount of support. Since we at the BISp sit at the points where these areas intersect, cooperating with a variety of stakeholders is a key part of our work. However, rather than making as many contacts as possible that means creating long-term relationships based on trust with reliable partners. That is why we attach particular importance to building personal relationships and trust.

Our networks bring together all the key stakeholders in the sports system and beyond, as well as key factors for success. Our goal is to use resources efficiently and shorten response times. It is important to us that every partner benefits from being a part of a network.

The tasks of the BISp are laid down in a Decree issued by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community
The current version of the Decree entered into force on 23 February 2023

Decree on the Establishment of the BISp

Decree on the Establishment of the BISp

PDF, 112KB, File does not meet accessibility standards.
