Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft

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Scientific Advisory Board

The Scientific Advisory Board is responsible for providing scientific advice to the BISp (see section 4 of the Decree on the Establishment of the BISp). It is involved in drawing up the BISp’s research programme and in its research management. Its main tasks are providing advice on the setting of research promotion priorities, on the evaluation procedure and on research funding prioritisation.

The members of the Scientific Advisory Board, who all work in an honorary capacity, are appointed by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community (BMI), in consultation with the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB), for a three-year term in office. They may be reappointed once only.

The Scientific Advisory Board currently (as at 24 June 2022) comprises 11 members from the following fields of science:

ParasportProf. Dr. Manfred Wegner, University of Kiel (Chair)
Social and Behavioural ScienceProf. Dr. Carmen Borggrefe, University of Stuttgart (Deputy Chair)
Prof. Dr. Lutz Thieme, Koblenz University of Applied Science
Medicine and BiologyProf. Dr. Andreas Nieß, Tübingen University Clinic (Deputy Chair)
Doping Prevention, Doping Analysis and Special BiochemistryDr. Lars Mortsiefer, National Anti-Doping Agency of Germany
Information and Communication ScienceFrederik Borkenhagen, University of Heidelberg
Process-Related Training and Competition ResearchPD Dr. Christian Puta, Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Sports Equipment and Technology DevelopmentProf. Dr. Markus Milwich, Reutlingen University of Applied Sciences
Sports Facilities and the EnvironmentProf. Dr. Natalie Eßig, Munich University of Applied Sciences
Training Science and KinesiologyProf. Dr. Karen Zentgraf, Goethe University Frankfurt
Data ScienceProf. Dr. Alexander Asteroth, Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences

In consultation with the Chair, people other than the members of the Board, guests (representatives of the BMI and DOSB) and the head of the BISp may participate in Scientific Advisory Board meetings.