Sport as a Subject of Evidence-based Policy Advice
Questions about the development of sports clubs and the economic importance of sport in Germany cannot be separated from competitive sport. On the one hand, organised sport creates the conditions for the development of successful athletes; on the other hand, international top performances by German athletes can influence the demand for corresponding sports club offers. Questions of sports economics are regularly raised in connection with German bids for major sports events.
In addition, aspects of inclusion and integration in and through sport, studies on honorary/voluntary commitment and research projects on qualification in sport fall into this field. All of these areas touch on the fundamental question of the legitimacy of public sports funding in its many facets.
The action area includes the following themes:
• Inclusion
• Sport as an economic factor
• Volunteering
• Education in and through sport
• Integration in and through sport
• Sport and sports club development
• Legitimation of public sports funding