Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft

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FeMaLe - Women and Girls in High-Performance Sport

Women in sport is an issue that is gaining increasing importance and attention in the public debate. Many sports events with female athletes fascinate spectators, and diverse policy initiatives, position papers and programmes are currently dedicated to gender equality and equal opportunities. However, high-performance sport is still a male-dominated environment, for instance when it comes to the public perception, structural conditions, funding opportunities, as well as in research.

The term “gender data gap” describes the lack of or underrepresentation of women and girls as regards data collection. Scientific studies are distorted owing to the lack of data on women and girls. Findings that are based on a predominantly male sample cannot simply be applied to female athletes.

That is why the BISp is using its FeMaLe – Women and Girls in High-Performance Sport priority research field to raise more awareness of the concerns of women and girls in high-performance sport as well as its research projects to make an active, targeted contribution to closing gender-specific research gaps and overturning the underrepresentation of female athletes.

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Individual Development of Athletes

On the path to sporting excellence and international competitiveness, the individual development and management of athletes is one of the most important prerequisites.

Within the framework of long-term performance development, various focal points must be taken into account. In basic training, the different stages of development (e.g. training age, physical and mental age) and dispositions (talent) require comprehensive support and individual, differentiated training. Particularly in high performance training, individualised training is an indispensable prerequisite for the maximum development and maintenance of sport-specific performance. Coaches also play a special role in the development of athletes.

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Integrity in Sport

The precondition and basis of any sporting competition is that it is subject to the principles of fairness and equality of opportunity. This requires that both the individuals and the organisations involved act with integrity in order to protect the competition itself.

Integrity in sport can be threatened by various phenomena. The most important of these are doping, match-fixing, betting fraud, corruption, discrimination and various forms of (interpersonal) violence. What these phenomena have in common is that, through their occurrence, aberrations are triggered on various levels: For example, they threaten equality of opportunity within competitions, thereby jeopardising fair competitions as such; they can have a negative impact on the integrated and transparent operation of organisations; and, finally, they pose a (direct or indirect) threat to the psychological and physical integrity of individuals.

Against this background, maintaining integrity in sport is of fundamental importance and thus also has a protective function for the individuals within the system. The BISp therefore aims to bring together existing knowledge and expertise on the various integrity issues in order to exploit the resulting synergy effects for effective preventive measures.

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Sports Infrastructure

Sports facilities form the basis of many sports. They range from core facilities such as sports halls, playing fields and swimming pools to specialised facilities such as climbing centres, rowing, canoeing and sailing ponds, golf courses, horse-riding facilities, snow parks, cross-country ski trails and ski slopes. Sports facilities are usually built for a long period of time. Sustainable construction is based on a calculation period of 50 years. In practice, there are temporary sports facilities as well as those that are older than 50 years. Sports facilities must be able to adapt to the relatively short-term changes in sports.
The challenges facing the sports facilities of the future are manifold. These include, in particular, long-term usability combined with a high degree of flexibility. In this way, the needs of athletes, operators and third parties (e.g. residents) can be met.

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Sport as a Subject of Evidence-based Policy Advice

Questions about the development of sports clubs and the economic importance of sport in Germany cannot be separated from competitive sport. On the one hand, organised sport creates the conditions for the development of successful athletes; on the other hand, international top performances by German athletes can influence the demand for corresponding sports club offers. Questions of sports economics are regularly raised in connection with German bids for major sports events.
In addition, aspects of inclusion and integration in and through sport, studies on honorary/voluntary commitment and research projects on qualification in sport fall into this field. All of these areas touch on the fundamental question of the legitimacy of public sports funding in its many facets.

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Opportunities from New (Technological) Developments

High-Performance sports and the successes achieved are not only the result of physical performance. Technology has always played a key role in optimising training. In order to compete at the world's top level, innovative research and development can bring decisive improvements in training, competition and measuring equipment as well as equipment.

New technologies or key technologies are the basis for a wide range of applications in the most diverse fields. Research and development make an essential contribution to innovation in a wide range of areas. The use and transfer of technologies of the 21. This is why it is also a great opportunity for sports technology. It is therefore necessary to join existing networks at an early stage in order to gain information and to achieve medium-term benefits for sports technology and thus for the athletes. The aim is to establish the "new technology" for technical training and competition support.
For the high-performance sports system in Germany, this means that business and technology, science and sports institutions must jointly use synergies for innovations in high-performance sports and bundle competences and resources in order to remain competitive in the future in the context of increasing performance density in international competition.

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Socio-structural Preconditions

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Challenges in and for (High Performance) Sport and COVID-19

Sport is an integral part of our society. All children, young people and adults have experience of exercise, sport and competitive sport in a broad range of social contexts. School or club sport, rehabilitation, on the sofa in front of the television, on the board of a club or taking part in a high-level competition - the possibilities for taking part in sport are manifold. But unfortunately, so are the ways of withdrawing from or not participating in sport.
This is why this field is subject to continuous scientific monitoring. The research aims to gain insights into the interactions between social development and sport as a part of society, as well as into the framework conditions of the protagonists (athletes, trainers, associations) in a national and international comparison. Of particular interest is the change in societal values and its consequences for German high-performance sport. In addition, potential and new Olympic and Paralympic sports and social phenomena (e.g. e-sports) will be examined.

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Science and Knowledge Management

Science and knowledge management form a comprehensive framework with the aim of making relevant knowledge effective and creating synergies. The knowledge should be transparent, accessible and usable for all target groups.
In addition to sport and science, politics must also be able to draw on useful knowledge.

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