Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft

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Applied Research

The goal of applied research projects is to use empirical methods to obtain application-oriented knowledge – regarding the focus of the BISp’s priority programme, the WVL research programme and the BISp’s current action areas – in research and development projects, to ensure these can be systematically reviewed, and to evaluate them and transfer them into practice. Process-related projects aim to deliver the scientific justification for and to implement practical knowledge into training and competitive practice by directly involving national squad athletes.

Project Contents/ Definition

Applied Research:
Projects to collect, review and generate new insights, background knowledge, methods and theory formation. These are to enable a systematic review of the application-oriented know-how gained, its evaluation and transfer into practice.

Process-related Applied Research:
Scientific justification and implementation of practical knowledge in training and competitive practice.

Sports Technology:
(Theory-based) research and development projects on technological solutions and their evaluation and transfer into sports practice.

Sports Facilities
Research projects to safeguard and develop a needs-based, sustainable and safe sports infrastructure. Transfer of the results into practice by people in the realms of politics, administration, associations, science and business who are charged with the planning, construction and operation of sports facilities.

Grant-funded projects: Fact sheet

• Project term: One year or several years
• Funding framework: None specified, generally between 20,000 euros and 300,000 euros
• Applicants: German university and non-university research institutions, German architectural or engineering firms (only in the fields of sports technology and sports facilities)
• Applications must be submitted via Easy-Online. This platform should also be used to submit all the application documents. Additional documents may be sent to forschungsfoerderung@bisp.de following submission of an application.
• N.B.: The expert opinion “Handling Small Case Numbers in Top-Level Sports Research in a Scientific Context” contains tips and ideas for dealing with small case numbers
• The following may also be of help: Applying for grant-funded research: A checklist (PDF, 225KB, file is not barrier-free/accessible)

Tender projects: Fact sheet

• Information regarding tenders: See tender specification• Project term: One year or several years
• Funding framework: None specified, generally between 50,000 euros and XXm euros
• Applicants: German university and non-university research institutions, German architectural or engineering firms (only in the fields of sports technology and sports facilities)


Applied research