Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft

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Knowledge Transfer Projects

Knowledge transfer projects do not include a research component. They serve to secure and implement findings from preceding BISp-funded projects. The aim is to ensure the transfer of findings into high-performance sports practice – that is if this was not fully achieved within the preceding project term.

Knowledge transfer projects: Fact sheet
• Submission deadline: None
• Prerequisite: A research project that the knowledge transfer project is to build on must have already been completed
• Project term: 12 to 24 months
• Funding framework: max. 15,000 euros per year
• Applicants: German university and non-university research institutions that have already conducted BISp-funded projects
• Applications must be submitted via Easy-Online. The application documents should also be submitted via this platform. Additional documents may be sent to forschungsfoerderung@bisp.de following submission of an application.